Ten Tips for Better Work-Life Balance
How do you consistently achieve excellence and still live a balanced, satisfying life in a world of constant demands and distractions? This is a question many would like answered. In today’s world, balancing between your work and personal life can be very challenging. You would like to succeed in every area of your life, such as work, family, health, and personal happiness. But in practice, there isn’t enough time to deal with all the demands of life; at least it seems this way. By applying these tips you will begin to notice positive changes in your work and personal life.
Learn how to manage stress
Situations that create stress are unavoidable. What we can control is how we react to them. The important point is that you can learn to recognize your own responses to stress and develop skills to deal with it. Hypnotherapy, relaxation training, and meditation have been found to be very effective in stress reduction.
Simplify your life
Avoid taking on too many tasks and responsibilities. When overwhelmed, prioritize all your tasks and focus on only your top 3-5 priorities for the day. This will help you from feeling overwhelmed.
Sleep better
Being well rested is key to managing a demanding work load and stressful environment. Lack of good quality sleep affects your ability, focus, and productivity. Slow down. You do not have to and were never designed to operate at the same speed as your computer. Every night, shut off the computer and TV at least 30 minutes before bedtime. Learn to shut off and re-program your mind to end your day on a positive note.
Ask for help
Even when you are clear about your priorities, others can make impossible requests. At times, you have to say “no” to your work and family, and ask them to respect your decision.
Exercise your body
Exercise works as a natural remedy against stress and depression. Make sure to do some form of exercise that you enjoy on a regular basis. Take care of your body and your body will take care of you.
Plan in advance
Every night, spend 10 minutes to plan the following day. Planning and organization can help avoid unnecessary chaos, drama, and waste of time.
Take breaks
When you are in a stressful work environment, make sure that you take 5 – 10 minute breaks often to relax and reset your mind. A coffee break, a short walk, meditation, or even just a stretch and deep, slow breathing provides valuable stress reduction.
Laugh often
“A day without laughter is like a day wasted.” – Charlie Chaplin
Maintaining your sense of humor and positive attitude improves your ability to handle stress. Laughter can also help boost the immune system.
Find time for play
Set clear boundaries between the time you spend at work, and the time you devote to yourself and your family. Schedule quality time to be with your family and friends.
Make work-life balance a habit
Achieving your ideal work-life balance is a life-long process. It is constantly changing as your situation changes. Work-life balance is something you can aim to maintain by simply “being aware of it.” A healthy work-life balance is essential to leading a satisfying life.